Monday, March 31, 2008

How to Become a High Energy Person

Have you ever noticed that the people with the highest
Energy is always the winners in life. It doesn’t matter
Whether it’s winning friends or winning baseball games, the
person with the highest energy always wins.

In sports, who wins? The player with the highest energy.
Just think of Michael Jordan. He put it all out on the court
EVERY time he played. He played every game like it was
his last.

Who wins in public speaking? Those with the highest energy;
those who can really fire up a crowd. If you’ve ever been
to an Anthony Robbins seminar, then you’ve seen this principle
in action.

Who wins in relationships? Those with the highest energy.
Think about it. Are you really going to be attracted to someone
who mopes around all the time? I don’t think so. However, I’m
sure you would be attracted to a high-energy person who loves
life and is fun and energized.

The people with the highest ENERGY are the one’s that get
noticed. If you want to win in this game of life, you MUST
become a high-energy person.

The other day I got a phone call from a lady who is
extremely high-energy. When I answered the phone her
voice was instantly full of energy and excitement. Naturally,
that energy transferred to me. Instantly, I found myself
with a smile on my face and good cheer in my voice.

Try this out yourself. Answer the phone with a smile on your
face. Call someone with excitement in your voice. I
guarantee it will make a difference.

In the book, The Emotional Energy Factor, Mira Kirshenbaum
says, “The single biggest difference between people who
get what they want and people who don’t is energy.”

One of the most underused secrets of success
is ENERGY. Enthusiasm is a state of mind that instantly
attracts others to you. It’s also contagious, and effects
all with whom it comes in contact.

Think about it. The greatest leaders in history have been
those who knew how to inspire enthusiasm in their
followers. The same is true of leaders today.

Why should someone believe in you as a person if you don’t
sound like YOU even believe in yourself? Why should someone
believe in the product you are selling, if it doesn’t sound
like you believe in the product?

The key is energy and enthusiasm. Words become a dull murmur
when they’re not backed by a burning enthusiasm.

If your words are backed by a burning enthusiasm, you are
bound to influence those with whom you come in contact,
more or less toward your way of thinking.

Mix enthusiasm with your work and the day will start to fly
by. Mix enthusiasm with your relationships and watch your
number of friends grow. Mix enthusiasm into your job and
watch as the boss begins to notice you above everyone else.
Mix enthusiasm into your workouts and watch your body

By mixing enthusiasm into all areas of your life, you will
begin to achieve the highest levels of success in all of
your endeavors.

Most primary-care doctors will tell you that fatigue and low
energy levels are one of the most common complaints they
hear in a day.

Here are 6 tips that will help you increase your energy
every day.

1. Drink more water.

Around 50% of Americans walk around dehydrated. (find
statistic) Being dehydrated makes you tired and irritable.
Remember, just because your not thirst does not mean that
you don’t need to drink water. If you feel thirst, then
it’s too late. You’re already dehydrated.

2. Exercise!

Setting in a chair all day can make you feel tired and
stiff. Take a walk on your lunch break. Hit the gym in the
afternoon or go for an early morning run to start your day
off right.

Make exercise a daily habit and watch your energy levels

3. Break out of your routine.

Is your life on rerun? Having the same old routine every day
can quickly suck the energy out of you. Don’t allow
yourself to get stuck in a daily routine. Do something new
on a regular basis, whether it be spending time with a
friend or starting a new hobby.

Trying new things will help you re-energize yourself.

4. Get plenty of sleep.

Over the past 100 years, sleep time has steadily fallen. In
1910, the average person slept 9.0 hours a night. By 1975,
the total had fallen to 7.5 hours. The 2002 Sleep in America
poll, conducted by the NSF, indicates that the average
American adult now only sleeps 6.9 hours a night.

Sleep deprivation is one of the most common causes of low
energy and fatigue. Even an extra 30 minutes can make a huge
difference in your energy levels during the day.

5. Eat breakfast.

There are lots of people who skip breakfast, but they are
killing their energy because of it. To get your metabolism
going in the morning, you need to eat a healthy breakfast.

Eating a good breakfast has been shown to increase your
energy levels and improve memory, concentration, and

6. Cut down on refined carbohydrates.

Bread, rice, potatoes and pasta can quickly make you feel
sluggish and tired. Of course, you don’t have to cut them
out completely, just be sure to focus more on fruits and

Stick to these tips for an entire week and you’re sure to
see a difference in how you feel.


Unknown said...

wow!!!...u just brought out all the energy in me!....dis article is simply grt!...i appreciate ur taste for thoughts like this....